A KOOL Day for Music
Song that highlights the nostalgia of Christmas’ long ago that was written by Irving Berlin and has become THE iconic holiday classic that got its own category for all the music charts as the most played song ever recorded.

A KOOL Day for Music
Traditional Christmas song that was co-written by a jazz singer/songwriter one hot July day and has been recorded by many different artists through the years.

A KOOL Day for Music
An unfinished song written by Stevie Wonder who couldn’t find the right lyrics until he brought it to the Motown records 1966 Christmas party. The song was finished when inspiration struck Smokey Robinson.

A KOOL Day for Music
It seems that everyone who was involved with making this record wanted to shelve it. A song that was written for the 1982 film ‘Officer and a Gentlemen’ proved to be better that any of the music professionals knew.

A KOOL Day for Music
Song that dealt with controversial themes for 1968 that was recorded by Motown girl-group that was missing two of its original members.

A KOOL Day for Music
Child star turned teen idol who had a string of hits in the 1950’s found himself out of demand in the 60’s. One concert event brought him back into the spotlight that made respectable showing on the Pop, Easy-Listening and Country charts.

A KOOL Day for Music
With the short run-up to Halloween week, we compiled the short list of some of the scary pop songs from the 1960’s . With apologies to Dr. Demento.

A KOOL Day for Music
A number one song October 1974 that came from a child prodigy keyboardist that never took a lesson whose work can be found on other artists records.

A KOOL Day for Music
What happens to songs that don’t make it onto the current album? They are either thrown out or shelved for a new idea. In this case, the song sat on a shelf for four years before becoming one of the signature songs for The Rolling Stones.

A KOOL Day for Music
Song that came from a band that was formed in Spain that had a German lead singer who could sing in English that sounded like the American singer, Gene Pitney.

A KOOL Day for Music
What do you do with unfinished parts of songs? Turn it into one song that became Paul McCartney’s first American hit as a solo artist.

A KOOL Day for Music
Song that cemented a Nashville secretary as an international recording artist as well as crossing over different music charts in September 1968.

A KOOL Day for Music
The Supremes’ song Reflections broke the Motown mold in 1967 with a venture into psychedelic sounds that were being used by many well established pop bands.

A KOOL Day for Music
Song that was recorded by a Jamaican singer-songwriter that was turning into an international hit record by an English blues guitarist

A KOOL Day for Music
Topping the American music charts for six weeks in 1979, a song that bridged the pop - new wave music gap.

A Kool Day for Music
Song from the summer of 1967 that launched The Doors into music history.

A KOOL Day for Music
At the end of summer 1972, a Washington D.C. DJ took the song and made it his personal project to get the record played nationaly.

A KOOL Day for Music
In 1977, two musicians were brought back together through a chance meeting where they recorded their one and only big hit record.

A KOOL Day for Music
Recorded by a one-hit wonder duo that had the longest running song on the American music charts in 1969.

A KOOL Day for Music Summer Special pt. 2
Part 2 of the ‘Songs of Summer’ list that takes you to the lazy, hazy days of summers of long ago.