The Rainman Suite’s Quiet Little Monsters is Pure ‘90s Nostalgia In The Best Way Possible
Charming Los Angeles trio, The Rainman Suite, have combined their childhood influences with the early 2000s stripped-down tones of The White Stripes and The Strokes to create a sound that was raised on The Replacements and nurtured by east coast art rock.

YUNGBLUD is Coming For His Legacy
Even though Dominic Harrison is fast becoming one of the most well-known artists in the world, he seems intent on tearing his career down to the foundation and rebuilding it in the most honest way possible.

ALEXSUCKS Might Not Know Where They’re Going, But They’re Going to Have a Lot of Fun Getting There
While writing off ALEXSUCKS as inexperienced 20-somethings with the right look might be tempting, the band’s genuine authenticity is undeniable

Spirit Award Isn’t Afraid Anymore
Intending to create a project focused on vulnerability and raw emotion, Daniel Lyon cultivated a sound that digs below the surface and burrows out our most desperate secrets. A mix of Western psychedelic, post-punk, and pop sensibilities, Lyon’s songs are unassumingly candid. But don’t mistake them for the soundtrack to your next closet cry. Spirit Award isn’t making lonely breakup songs.

Building Worlds with St. Terrible
“I’ve always felt like my brain is categorized into different personalities with a separate genre of music for each one.”

Wes Schlag’s Debut Album is a Slow Burn with Hidden Potential
“Schlag’s new album is reminiscent of afternoon backroad drives and campfire conversations but does not hit its stride until halfway through the nine-song tracklist.”

Oblé Reed Is Not Here To Reminisce About The Past
Oblè Reed will not hold hands and reminisce with you about hip-hop’s golden age.

King Youngblood is a Juggernaut of Youthful Determination
“The Seattle-based foursome, composed of Cameron Lavi-Jones, Samy Garcia, Chet Peterson, and Alex Daniel, embodies the spirit of late ‘80s DIY with a sound and energy that echo back to the early days of The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane’s Addiction.”

McKenna Esteb’s New Single Will Put You in Your Feelings
Somber and introspective, “So Pretty” taps into gentle, guitar-lead indie rock as an anthem for loneliness and insecurity.

Balks Are Going To Teach You How To Be A Band
“I want to be jamming with these guys for the next fifteen or twenty years.”

You Will Fall in Love With Cabeza’s Spaced-Out Maze of Sound, But They Still Are Not Coming for Drinks at Your Mom’s House
Describing themselves as “Loud and obnoxious yet thoughtful and delicate,” Cabeza sits comfortably in their contradictions

The Survival of Bone Haus
After six months off stage and out of the rehearsal space, Bone Haus shuffled their instruments and added bassist Allison Winkler, regenerating themselves into a divine conglomerate of gritty determination.

Lonely Boy: A Conversation with Brogan Kelby from Blindlove
Growing up, when I saw bands live or in music videos, I would think, “I want to do that.” I do not fit in anywhere else.

Mylo Bybee are King of the Mountain
“It is an open door. We will not shy away from anything as long as it works for all of us.”