All Day Trey’s New Single, “Don’t Worry ‘Bout Us” is a Straight Shot of Dopamine
Since starting his career, Trey has used his music as a platform to advocate for mental health. That mission is still very much at the forefront with his new single “Don’t Worry ‘Bout Us.”

Mylo Bybee is Ready to Break the World with Master & Machine
Mylo Bybee has done a masterful job creating a piece of work that fully solidifies who they are.

Spirit Award Isn’t Afraid Anymore
Intending to create a project focused on vulnerability and raw emotion, Daniel Lyon cultivated a sound that digs below the surface and burrows out our most desperate secrets. A mix of Western psychedelic, post-punk, and pop sensibilities, Lyon’s songs are unassumingly candid. But don’t mistake them for the soundtrack to your next closet cry. Spirit Award isn’t making lonely breakup songs.