Idaho’s FAVORITE Ice Cream Will Surprise You

When someone asks you, “what’s your favorite ice cream?” - what goes through your mind? Do you have a flavor that tops the list no matter what? There are ENDLESS options of ice cream, but it still seems like we always go back to our favorites! So, what ice cream flavor is the BEST, or the most popular?

Well, Instacart did a deep dive to determine the most popular ice cream flavors by state… and Idaho is, well, surprising. Apparently, Idahoans prefer GREEN TEA ice cream over any other flavor… really? Green tea?! What about cookies n’ cream? Cookie dough? CHOCOLATE?!?!

Huh. Green tea ice cream. I guess it’s time to give it a try to see what all the hype is about!

Here’s the full list of popular ice cream flavors across the country:


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