Will We Have A White Christmas?

Photo Credit: Canva

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Most of the time I can pass on the white stuff, but rolling into Christmas I’ll welcome the snowfall. It just makes the whole world seem more festive!

The jury is still out on whether or not we’ll officially have a white Christmas, but it’s looking good!

According to weather.com, we have a 78% chance of snow tomorrow morning and a 62% chance of snow Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday brings another 64% chance of snow and with high’s in the mid to high 30’s it’s likely to stick around. The next batch of snow is expected to his us Saturday, December 18th, and then we’re not supposed to see snow again until Christmas Eve, which is so perfect!

I’m thinking this will be a picturesque white Christmas with this weeks snow sticking around on the ground. Even if it melts, we’re supposed to get that Christmas Eve snowfall and then more snow the day after Christmas!

I’m already starting to sing “Walking in a Winter Wonderland!”


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