Tips for Embracing Change


2020 has been the year of uncomfortable change. We’ve had to get used to kids doing school online, working from home, wearing masks everywhere, and social distancing.

Some of us have had to embrace job loss and career switches. Spending all this time at home has sometimes led to love lost and love gained.

Change is undoubtedly tough! I even struggle with minor changes and setbacks, like burning dinner.

I’ve learned that this aversion to change comes from fear. It’s not some profound realization, but rather taking a step back and realizing that we can overcome the uncomfortable when we truly recognize what it is. Of course it’s much easier to sit in what is comfortable than to grow, but I am learning to embrace what comes my way and trust that the world will work out for my good if I do my part.

Coping mechanisms that have worked for me when facing change include:

  1. Talking about my fears with someone I trust.

  2. Recognizing that I am not God and my challenges are working for my good and personal growth.

  3. Learning that this change is a season and that life will get better.

During this holiday season, more than ever, reach out to those who may be struggling. Those who are single, elderly, or friends of yours you know who tend to battle depression.

Here’s to less change in 2021, but learning to recognize the little blessings, tender mercies, and power we have within to tackle the tough stuff.


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