The States with the BEST & WORST Drivers…

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I have lived in 3 different states now. I have driven through at least 20… especially on my way to Idaho from the East Coast. It’s no secret people have different driving styles depending on their location. I remember driving through NYC and I had to be super defensive and be ready for any light changes. When I lived in Pennsylvania, I had to be even more attentive because of their windy mountain roads, and it wouldn’t be odd that I would be in traffic with an Amish buggy.

I have heard from people here in the Treasure Valley that out-of-staters drive weirder than people from the Gem State. I mean, I can’t really tell the difference? Maybe it’s because I’m from out of state haha.

The website Car Insurance Collison ranked all 50 states from the best drivers to the worst, based on things like the death rate, careless driving, drunk driving and speeding.

The states that ranked the WORST were:

1. Alaska

2. New Mexico

3. Montana

4. Texas

5. Colorado

6. Nevada

7. Hawaii

8. South Carolina

9. Delaware

10. Arkansas.

The States with the BEST drivers were:

1. Utah

2. Iowa

3. New Jersey

4. Minnesota

5. Maryland

6. Maine

7. Massachusetts

8. North Dakota

9. Tennessee

10. New York

Idaho ranked 11th for having the best drivers and Oregon was 27th.

Check out the full rankings here.


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