Are movie theaters going to disappear forever?


Listen, I LOVE going to the movies, but ever since Coronavirus, the movie theatre business has taken a huge hit, and it might just be leaving us forever.

Warner Brothers announced that all of their 2021 new releases are going to be exclusively streamed on HBO Max, as well as released in the theaters, which is causing many (including myself) to wonder if this will be the new thing. A brand new blockbuster movie, watching it for the first time in your living room?! What kind of madness is this?! Listen, movie companies are trying to make money and adapt to the times, so streaming them makes sense, but theater companies all over the world are in a world of trouble and may not be able to bounce back. I really hope opening night at movie theaters are still a thing, because there’s nothing better than a packed theater, laughing or crying together and over paying for snacks, right?!

The Directors Guild is apparently furious with Warner Bros. Decision and is fighting against the streaming on HBO Max, for obvious reasons, so we will see what happens but I really hope this isn’t the beginning of the end for movie theaters!


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