Practically Imperfect in Every Way

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You scroll through Instagram... Facebook... Twitter... heck, even TikTok and pass snapshot after selfie of these GORGEOUS people, all who seem to have their lives and beauty routine down to a science.

I mean... psh, so do I, obviously.

I’m an adult.

Anyways, my thumb is on this automatic pilot to swipe up, scroll, double tap & take screen shots. My mindset being that this is HELPFUL. This is beneficial in helping me to better myself and improve my life in some way. These perfect humans are giving me *inspiration* to add to my own life!


(Keep in mind: I’m doing this all while sitting in sweatpants, an oversized jacket, my hair a disaster with yesterday’s makeup chillin under my eyes... stuffing my face with Doritos and a soda. When what I should actually be doing is cleaning off the kitchen counter or putting away the laundry that’s been sitting in a folded pile on my bedroom floor for 4 days.)

But, ya know, I’m off to a good start with this whole *being inspired* thing! Baby steps.

Although no action is currently being put into bettering myself at this very MOMENT... that doesn’t mean that my heart isn’t in the right place. It’s the THOUGHT that counts, right? That’s what they say?

Let’s go with that.

Here’s my issue though... how REAL are these photos? Is this actually how they live? Are their lives ACTUALLY that well put together!? Am I truly that much of a slob? Because I am 100% aware that perfectionists exist (I’m married to one) - but when people post about their perfect skincare routine, their perfect marriage and their perfect children and their perfectly clean house... IT JUST ISN’T HUMAN! How can anyone have that much routine and diligence? I can barely keep myself on routine to remember deodorant every day... AND THAT IS AN IMPORTANT, DAILY NECESSITY!

I know people typically just post the good. I also like to post the happy and uplifting things in my life... you don’t want to always post the negative. But I do try to keep it as real as possible. I know there are other people out there, like me, who feel both inspired and horrible about the fact that other people seem to have so much perfection & aesthetic in their lives.

If I had to put a name to MY aesthetic... it would be: “frumpy weirdo who sometimes cleans up nice.” And that about sums me up.

Last Friday I applied self tanner for a bridal shower I was going to the next day. It was one of those moments where I did want to clean up nice... and look my best to celebrate my best friend getting married. I think my first mistake was putting it on at 4am when I woke up for work. I was half asleep and that was my first mistake. I’ve used self tanner before and I am fully aware that is a delicate process. But I just slapped it on all willy-nilly and walked out the door.

Around 8am - mid-show - I go to use the bathroom at the station & notice that my left leg has strong zebra-like qualities with VERY distinct streaks spanning the entirety of my outer thigh. And I was wearing shorts.

For a moment, I stand looking at myself in the mirror so frustrated that I would make such a silly beauty blunder. A rookie faux pas... something that very obviously shouted: “This hot mess right here does NOT have her s*** together.” And something I couldn’t hide.

But then I just laughed at myself. This is me. This is just who I am! Sometimes I can pull it together and make it look like I know what the heck I’m doing... but most of the time I’m just making an effort as best as I can do in the moment, and hoping for the best.

Practically imperfect in every way.

- Me, the opposite of Mary Poppins.


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