McCall Travel Hacks (From an Unofficial McCall Addict)

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You’ll never visit McCall the same way again!

So, you want to visit McCall? First time? I’ve been going to McCall ever since I was a little kid staying at our grandma’s cabin and over the years I’ve learned some McCall travel hacks that will change your experience. 

  • Quick weekend trip? Leave Friday morning and return Sunday night: Highway 55 can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Car accidents or traffic can have you stuck for hours, but if you leave at the right time, it turns into a quick and beautiful scenic drive. It's worth it to take a day off work and leave Friday morning, or early afternoon at the latest. Once you get past noon, it starts to bog down and become a broken down carnival ride. Leaving Sunday night is a gamechanger too, especially because it stays light so late in the summer, it's worth leaving at 7pm to avoid traffic.

  • Ponderosa State Park is worth the $5: I hear people say, “Oh I would’ve gone to Ponderosa State Park but didn’t want to PAY for it.” Do it. Seriously, it has the best trails, the best views, and driving to the top for pictures over the lake is well worth it (your Instagram will thank you).

  • Ice Cream Alley on the Coldest Day: Ice cream Alley is a tradition that every McCall traveler will insist on, but waiting till 2pm on a 80-degree day and you’ll be in line forever. Find the coolest day, or the coolest time, and then go. Minimal lines, maximum ice cream.

  • Chapala’s patio seating is unmatched (and underpriced): Don’t get me wrong, the food and the views at Shore Lodge are nice, but for less money, less crowds, and amazing Mexican food the outdoor deck seating in the evening at Chapala’s is top notch. Another tip, get the fajitas.

  •  Lastly, don’t let an intersection ruin your trip: Yes, the intersections in downtown McCall are terrible and frustrating, but stay patient and kind. Instead of trying to find a perfect spot on the main stretch, park a little outside of downtown and walk. Everything is close by, walking is good for you, and it will lead to less honking and middle fingers. If you’re looking to avoid the chaos altogether? Dienhard Lane will loop you outside of the craziness. 


Believe it or not, this ain’t all that new.


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