Never Been So Excited Over Something So Simple!


You know that moment where your face just lights up with excitement? Yeah - that happened to me over the weekend. And it wasn’t at all what I expected! 

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon hanging out with my family when all at once, Baby J started waving his hands around and slapping them together. And then I realized it. He was CLAPPING! I’m not kidding, this is such a huge thing because I have actually been trying to show him how to clap for a few weeks now! Every time I actually tried to show him and teach him, he could care less. Now, all of a sudden, he’s doing it on his own without me even showing him how! 

It’s amazing how the simplest things can bring so much joy. Who knew? But, it was the sweetest thing for this mom to see her sweet baby’s tiny little chubby hands stumble their way up in the air above his head and repeatedly clapped together. Funny thing is, now, that's all he does! 

What a change of perspective it is when you have a little one in the home. His awe and wonder as he learns the world around him, really sets the tone of enjoying the simple things in life, even if it’s something as small as learning to clap. 

All the more reason to look forward to other moments in life! With his newfound skill of clapping, I’m now even more excited to take him to his first football game, basketball game, baseball game, or whichever sport he chooses to love and follow - and to cheer & clap right alongside him. 

Babies are the best, aren't they?! ‘’


Practically Imperfect in Every Way


To Impress or to Mullet.