Man, I Feel Like A Woman


...and I’m not even mad!

I have a confession to make.  A confession and an apology.  

It has come to my attention, and is complete news to me... that I, Nathan Fast, wear women's pants.

I need to start with the fact that I didn't make the lady-pants purchase intentionally.  I was doing some shopping about six months ago at a Ross.  Browsing the men's section, swiping left on countless pairs of khakis, slacks and loose fitting dad jeans. Then, I saw them.  They caught my eye in an instant and I immediately lifted the hanger from the rack to check on the sizing.  My heart picked up a little with my fingers crossed, hoping that these trendy looking trousers and I would be a match.  I flip the tag to see the numbers: 30 x 30.  They fit.

I scurried to the dressing room to try them on like a little boy on Christmas who just got a new Batman costume.  These pants would make me as cool as Batman.  I felt like Batman.  

Now, let me stop here to acknowledge the fact that, YES, I knew there were super-skinny black jeans.  I was drawn to them because of the fact that they said: Super-Skinny.  My wife likes my booty.  So, obviously, I aim to please. 

Back to the story: I slid the super-skinnies over my regularly-skinny legs and stared at myself in the awe.  I.  Looked.  Good.  And I knew it, too.  It was accentuating all my best my knee caps, my calves...and my booty.  I was sold... and rushed to the register to make the best purchase I have made in years. 

The second I got home I put on a fashion show for Rebecca as she folded laundry.  She wasn't as excited as I was about the pants... but I knew she must just be distracted, because these babies were applause worthy.  But I'm a patient and understanding husband, so I let it slide. 

Over the next couple months I wore these pants everywhere.  To take Rebecca to see The Jonas Brothers in New Orleans (she said I looked better than the Jonas Brothers - it was probably because of the pants), on a couple's trip to Las Vegas with friends, to celebrate Christmas...everywhere!  I was starting to wear these Levi's out...they were and still are: my favorite pants.

So about a week ago, I decided I should probably get a new pair online since I wear them so frequently.  I hop on Google to find them & type the brand and style into the search bar ( Levis. 710. Super Skinny. I waited for the page to load.

Guys, I'm not too proud of a man...but when I saw a woman pop up on the Levi’s page wearing my pants...I knew there had to be a mistake.  What is this, a late April Fools prank?  My pants are very  I scroll further: women's jeans.  WHAT!?

After further investigation, I accept the fact that my favorite pants are...women's pants.  I get nervous thinking about telling Rebecca.  Will she make fun of me?  Will she make me throw them out?  I approach her timidly with the news.

Well, turns out - she is thrilled!  She is looking forward to being able to SHARE jeans with me, go shopping together...and think of all the money we will save!  I'm in!  I am a changed man with a whole new perspective on life...and will confidently say that I, Nathan Fast, wear women's jeans.

Before I leave, I want to take a minute to apologize to my old band-mate Bryce, for making fun of him for wearing emo-style girls jeans back in 2001.  I get it, man.  I truly get it now.

And that's all for now...I'm off to try on a couple of Rebecca's pairs of pants: she has some ripped-up skinnies I've been eyeballing for a while now.  And my hopes are high... Later!


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