Craving Connection

The Not So Subtle Hint I’m Giving My Husband: Take Me On A Date

Listen, I haven’t had a date night with Nathan... since Valentine’s Day. 

In fact, I haven’t had any ALONE time with my husband in over three months. THREE MONTHS! It is honestly insane.

And I know we are all in the same boat here, so I don’t want to be the complaining type... (Even though I am. Be honest with yourself, Rebecca) ...but I am desperately needing some one-on-one action with my man.

We moved back to Idaho at the beginning of February this year after four years in California and three years in Texas. Our daughters Lilly & Scarlett flew with me to Boise about a week before Nathan followed in his car, and we had plans to crash at my parents house for a short time until we could find our own home. Nathan finally joined us (after one excruciatingly long week) at my parent’s by Valentine’s Day & we had a nice night out at the movies just the two of us.

We were adjusting to life back in Idaho... looking at houses a bit, settling into new jobs, the girls starting new schools... We even went out with friends for dinner and in early March were able to celebrate Nathan’s birthday in Downtown Boise. Life was coming along & we were VERY excited about the fact that we now lived close to family. One major reason being... Free. Babysitters.

Then...BAM! Everything shut down. And there we were... stuck inside all day with our 2 kids, my parents, my sister... and my sister's dog. (That’s seven people + one animal - so... a full house.) But I have to be honest. If you were to have to be stuck at home during a pandemic with anyone: my parents and my sister are who you would want to be with. They are incredible people with the most loving, gracious hearts, and living with them has been a high blessing.


I haven’t had a date night in three months.

Is anyone else totally feeling the need for some serious romantic rekindling!?

I. Need. Attention.

...from my husband.

I feel like I should explain what I mean by that: I see him every day. I do. And I’m so thankful for that... but at the same time it feels like I haven’t seen him in forever. You know? We are starting a new show together, raising two girls who are also going stir crazy, living in the guest room of my parents home in a full house, in the process of buying a house of our own... which are all good, exciting things. But what I really need is that time out to FOCUS on each other with the only expectation being to have fun and love one another. Romance.

So, maybe I’m writing this with the hope that Mr. Nathan Fast will read my blog and get the massive hint that I am currently trying to put out there. If he doesn’t, I’m just going to make a reservation somewhere on Saturday night and tell him what we are doing.

But restaurants are safely opening up with social distancing guidelines... I know for a fact he has an Olive Garden gift card burning a hole in his pocket... We have free babysitters... It’s time! So what’s stopping you, Nathan? Aren’t ya ready to start up that flame and spark a bit of romance back into our lives...? Let me know. I’ll be waiting. You know where I live...

I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. Reach out if you are craving that connection as well. Whether with your significant other or just people in general... I’m with you! And I want to see ALL of the pics from your first night out after quarantine!

Photo Credit: Pexels


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