Did you know it’s LEGAL to just let a pet suffer outside in the harshest conditions here in Idaho? It is and it shouldn’t be.


Idaho is not the only state that comes up short protecting our pets but THIS has to change. More and more, different states across America are implementing laws that make it illegal to leave your pet outside in extreme conditions whether it be too hot or too cold. For most of us, this is common sense. For others, there’s a mentality of it’s o.k. because that’s how pets were built and they’re pretty much immune. I say, “Puhleeeeeze!”

When looking into laws across the country in different states it looks as if most of them state something to the effect of you cannot leave an animal outside for more than 30 minutes in temperatures above 90 degrees or below 32 degrees between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., or during wind, rain, snow, ice, sleet, or hail unless the animal has unlimited access to proper shelter. Idaho has no such law. What? Yup, it’s true.

Here’s another thing. In certain situations, if you are caught trying to help the animal suffering, you could find yourself with a ticket, fined, or in jail. That’s right. If you see a dog freezing to death in a car and you bust the window open to free the poor little fellow, you have broken the law and are liable.

The Idaho Humane Society does have suggestions that all pet owners should follow to help properly take care of their pets in difficult situations but there are no legal mandates as to what you have to do when it comes to extremely harsh weather conditions. That’s a problem.

It’s a privilege to own a pet. Please treat it as such. These little ones depend on us, they trust us, and they love us unconditionally. We owe it to them to give that love back and make sure they’re comfortable, safe, well fed, and just flat out taken care of.

The laws in Idaho need to change but we can make a big difference in the meantime by stepping up and doing what’s right. I have a little dog and there’s no way I’m putting him through brutal weather because I forgot or don’t care or think he can handle it. Hell NO! And if I see someone’s pet that’s about to die, freezing in the backseat of some car and has been there for who knows how long… you can bet I’ll be busting him out. Law or no law, I couldn’t live with myself any other way.




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