Henry Black of Plymouth, Idaho wanted to do something extra special for his 4th-grade research project and after months of planning and hundreds of hours on the road, he’s finally done what no other 4th grader has done.
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Most kids find something off Google or create with some poster boards, paint, and glitter but not Henry. He wanted adventure. He wanted something that would make people talk and he wanted something that stuck. Something that stuck with him forever.
Henry’s parents were 100% on board and supported him in every way. Months before ski season came Henry wrote letters to each of the 20 different ski resorts explaining his quest. Then every day Henry would sit by the mailbox waiting for their responses. Day by day the responses started pouring in. The resorts were not only receptive to the idea, a lot of them offered free tickets, accommodations, and special tours to teach Henry about the history of the resorts he was visiting.
Henry packed his skis up and hit places like Bald Mountain in Pierce, Idaho. Sun Valley, Lookout Pass, Lost Trail, and YES, Bogus Basin.
After months of adventure, skiing, laughing, hanging out with his family, and just having a great time Henry is now putting a PowerPoint together which he’ll display to his 4th-grade class soon.
Henry says this is just the beginning of his adventures. And he can’t wait to share them all with the world.