Free Full Day Kindergarten Coming to the Boise School District

Photo Credit: Canva

Free full day kindergarten will be offered in the Boise School District beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. According to an article on KTVB, the decision passed unanimously during Monday nights’ board meeting.

As things stand right now, the Boise School District offers tuition based full day kindergarten at 20 of their 32 elementary schools.

The school board president, Dave Wagers, says that the

evidence is clear that full-day kindergarten is much more affective academically than half-day kindergarten.

This move does not come without cost. Full-day kindergarten will cost $2.7 million dollars. In part this money is feasible thanks to donation form the Micki and Dan Chapin Education Fund along with local and state funding sources.

As a working mother, one of the big factors for me, had my children been given this opportunity Is that not only does it support them more academically, but it better supports a parents work schedule. Other parents seemed to agree. So, if your child is going to be a kindergartener next year, start preparing them for that full day schedule that in the end will hopefully support their elementary school success.


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