Foundation Honors 5-Year Old Payette Boy Killed in ATV Crash

Photo Credit: Jayce Morgan Foundation

Photo Credit: Jayce Morgan Foundation

Nothing can prepare you for the heartache that comes with losing a child. It’s something that families should never have to go through. Unfortunately, the Morgan family had their world turned upside down this past spring when they lost 5-year-old Jayce in an ATV accident on April 10th.

Jayce was throw from the ATV and was not wearing a helmet. He passed away from his injuries sustained in that accident and left a hole in the hearts of many family members forever.

Chrisandra Morgan is Jayce’s paternal grandmother and although she knows nothing can bring her precious grandson back, she wanted to do something. The Jayce Morgan Foundation was created to raise awareness of the importance of helmets and safety gear as well as buying safety equipment for children in need.

Today would have been Jayce’s 6th birthday and his grandma says they miss him every day. She hopes to save other families from enduring such tragedy.


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