Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Once Again Proves He Is Amazing

Photo Courtesy: ChinaImages via Deposit Photos

Photo Courtesy: ChinaImages via Deposit Photos

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is not only widely respected among his celebrity peers, but he’s also adored by millions of fans, including one BIG fan who invited him to prom.

The Rock is adored by millions. Never mind the fact that he’s one of the most beloved personalities in the history of professional wrestling. Dwayne Johnson has solidified a place in the hearts of millions because he genuinely cares for his fans and has a long list of fan encounters to prove it.

There was the time he pulled over to visit with fans who had waited 3 hours to see him. Then there was the time he surprised some fans who were taste testing his Tequila. O, how about the time he surprised some fans in Atlanta and spent 3 hours answering their questions.

I could write a short novel about how gracious and real Johnson is with his fans. But I want to share with you the time a girl named Katie asked him to prom. Watch this video.

There are a few things at work here. First, he got a chance to promote his movie. Second, he made this girl feel special and look very cool in front of her classmates. Third, he just may have convinced a shy student to ask her to prom which would have been a double win.

I’m not sure how things turned out for Katie after this moment in her life. But one thing is certain, she is a lifelong fan of the Rock and he is probably the most charismatic, kind and genuine man in Hollywood.

I can certainly smell what he’s cooking.


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