Help Us Support a Local Family in Need


Just when you think things couldn’t get any more difficult, life throws you a major curveball.

You might remember Colby & Amanda, and their beautiful family from Christmas Crashers 2020. We had the incredible opportunity to help lighten their burden during the holidays as Colby has been facing numerous heath challenges that have become very difficult for their family as the medical expenses continue to pile in.

Colby and Amanda have been under a massive amount of stress while trying to care for their young family. Colby is the main source of income for his family and is unable to work right now after having brain surgery, and now facing open heart surgery this week. Here is an update from his wife, Amanda:

”Monday and Tuesday will be spent meeting with specialists and Wednesday he will have his heart cath procedure. Thursday the 25th will be the day of his surgery. We appreciate all the love and support you all have given. Now we ask for prayer and all the good vibes sent our way. We love each and everyone of you, and thank you for being here and going through this with us.’’

The family is asking for help and prayers. For more details on Colby’s journey, and if you would like to contribute, please visit the gofundme organized by Colby’s cousin, Sasha.

Also, you can see the moment we surprised Colby & Amanda’s family on Christmas here:


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