Why I Love/Hate Golf


(It can make you drink….coffee)

Frustration, frustration, frustration, SATISFACTION!  Now repeat!  If you play golf, you certainly know that feeling.  I have been playing golf since I was in my early teens and that is one of the reasons I love golf-My Dad introduced me to the game and I have so many great memories heading to golf courses and playing a round with my Dad and brother. At an age when sometimes Dad and son don’t always get along, we always seem to put our differences aside for those 4 hours.  

I love golf because it’s just you taking on the course, there are no teammates to rely on.  What you put on the scorecard is what you did!  Some days you are really proud of what you have accomplished and then there are other days you’d rather just burn the scorecard.  

I love golf because of the sound you hear when you hit that perfect shot and you look up and see that white little ball up against the bright blue sky taking flight and going exactly where you wanted it to go! Bragging alert...I have been fortunate to have hit 3 Hole in ones.  Ultimate feeling for sure!  

I love golf because you will see some of the most beautiful scenery you’ll ever see.  I have played golf in over 20 states, 3 countries and never once have I been disappointed in what I have seen.  Even when you’re playing bad, all you have to do is look around and you realize you are in a pretty good place.  

One of the main reasons I love golf is because of the people you hangout with while you’re golfing.  Family, friends, co-workers and total strangers that turn into friends after the 18 holes.  Now don’t get me wrong, there are some people you don’t like to play with, that will be coming up in the reasons why I hate golf.  As I mentioned earlier, memories of me and my Dad on different courses, talking about anything and everything.  While I was growing up in my teens and 20’s my goal was always to be able to beat my Dad.  It took awhile and when I did, I was excited for about 2 minutes, and then it hit me, I beat my Dad.  I beat my Dad.  He was no longer that ‘bigger than life’ man that I grew up respecting and striving to be like!  Yes I still wanted to be like my Dad, and I respected him greatly, but I beat my Dad!  I play with my sons now and funny how they have the same goals as I did, to beat Dad, and I keep telling them you’re not going to feel good about it when and if you ever do!  

Nowadays I am creating memories with my grandkids, and hopefully they will always remember the times that they had playing (mostly driving the cart) with Papa!  

Why I hate golf!  One hole you feel like you could turn pro, and the very next hole, you wonder why you are even out there!  I mean one hole difference, what changed?  Now you start thinking, what was I doing, was I holding the club different, my feet must not have been in the same position, my swing did I take it back to fast, what about my hips, did I get them through the swing, what about my follow through…...UGH!   Then after a few holes like that you think, screw it I’m just going to step up and hit it, no thinking….and man, I really should turn pro!  

Why I hate golf, sometimes you see the worst in people.  And I’ll be honest back in my younger days I would do this, throw my clubs in frustration!  But I was in my teens and 20’s.  It’s really hard playing with some people who take it so seriously that they are never happy with any shot, and throw clubs cruse up a streak every shot.  And sometimes some of the people you play with forget how to count.  

Overall, the  ‘why I love to golf’ reasons outweigh the bad!  Just get out and enjoy the day and the friendships you make on the links! 


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