Weiser Man Celebrates Wedding Anniversary For 1st Time Since His Wife Passed Away

Many of us have heard the story of John Harris in Weiser, Idaho. His wife died late last year after a routine ACL surgery went wrong. His 6-year-old daughter Danni soon after was diagnosed with brain cancer and is now fighting for her life. I can’t begin to start with the trials this man faces every day and today is especially tough because today is the first day John has NOT had his sweet wife Trisha by his side on his anniversary.

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There’s no way I can possibly tell the story. It’s not my story to tell but I want you to read John’s words and I want you to look at the pictures of him and the love of his life and I want you to be grateful. Grateful for the blessings you have. Grateful you’re NOT dealing with everything this family deals with on a continual basis.

Here’s what John posted on his Facebook Page earlier today…

“Happy Anniversary! Trisha Harris You were the light and love of my life and your love still shines bright. The memories we shared comfort me every day. I constantly try and tell the girls stories of us, like when I forgot to kiss you on my way to work so you had me turn around. I loved that. Although you are no longer with me in life, I still feel your love. I try to honor our life together by focusing on the joy we shared even when times where lean we found joy in being around one another. Trisha, you were truly my best friend. I trusted you and loved you and just enjoyed you.

Were times always easy? No. We had to live separately and go to marriage counseling. I just remember thinking whatever I need to do I will do and I did. Marriage is not easy but I felt your love every day and still feel you near, loving me, watching over me, and guiding me. I truly hope I am making you proud. I never wanted to be without you and never imagined it but your love comforts me. Life without you by my side is only possible because I still feel your presence.

You left this world but not my heart. Not ever my heart

In my grief my tears give testimony to the love I have for you. I get through each day without you because of the love we shared, the memories we made and the adventures we survived

Your Moms constant meddling, Financial hardship and Trauma and now even death could not end our love. Our love was our bond and even death could not break it.

Ours was a Great love story that we will continue together some day through the Everlasting Covenant of Marriage when we meet again I shall hold you in my arms and never let you go. NEVER. I cannot believe how hard or fast I fell for you. My longest relationship was 3 months before you.

Your death left a gaping hole in my life that I fill with the love we shared. I fill it with our children. I can Truly say that I hope our kids find a relationship like ours. I hope our daughters find someone who loves them like I love you. That they find a partner and a friend. This is an emotional post and I am sure it is full of errors and incomplete sentences but I love you woman!”

John. I love you like a brother my man. It’s been an honor getting to know you and your family over the past couple of months and you’re in my heart every day. Keep fighting.

If you’d like to donate to help John and his family with the medical expenses they’re getting blasted with you can do so simply by clicking the button below. If you are not in a position to do so. Please share his story and his message. The more people that know, the better.


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