The Treasure Valley is Getting HOT!

Idaho Sunrise.png

From Joey Jenkins

Saturday will be a very hot day and I am not ready for it.

According to KTVB, it is going to get up to 98 degrees on Saturday! I don’t know about you but man oh man, I am not a fan of super hot weather, especially just out of nowhere! 

Really hot weather means waking up REALLY early, opening all of the windows before sunrise, and hoping our air conditioning bill won’t be sky high (anybody else worried about that first bill….YIKES!)

And I’ll be honest, I don’t know what you can do when it's 98 degrees...I feel like up to 90 degrees,  I can make excuses for going outside, but once it gets close to 100, I’m out. In fact, maybe really hot weather is good, because then I can stay inside and snack and watch TV all day! I guess there IS a positive to this super hot weather. 

Another good thing about the hot weather is I can finally get a tan. I was out golfing the other day and let's just say my legs looked like a bottle of white glue, so maybe I’ll get a base tan on Saturday.

The good news is, according to KTVB, it will cool down on Sunday and be back in the 80’s. It makes me wonder, with all the rain we got a few weeks ago, would you rather have that or really really hot weather?

Need something to cool you off? Roaring Springs is opening back up this Saturday! Now they do have some special rules and regulations in response to COVID-19 which you can find here

They also have a new ride called the Snake River Run which looks really cool! 

So you can cool down at Roaring Springs or cool down with some ice cream or snow cones (which are turning into my favorite, by the way), or stay inside and turn the A/C up (just be careful about that bill)

In all seriousness though, when it comes to really hot weather, be careful. I hate drinking water but make sure to hydrate and keep up on your fluids, and I heard that if the pavement is too hot for the back of your hand for five seconds, then  it is too hot for a dogs paw, so keep that in mind when it comes to your doggos. 


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