Free Bees

No need to try and kill the bees either - just contact Treasure Valley Bee Rescue and they will come out (at NO CHARGE to you!) and relocate the bees!

Recently Stacy Stevens, a 101.9 The Bull listener, found this large swarm of bees in his Caldwell neighborhood that was safely moved and rehomed:

A bee swarm can look pretty scary and intimidating but usually, the bees are quite harmless (if you don't mess with 'em)  and they are just trying to discreetly look for a new place to call home with their Queen where they can settle down and go about spreading and collecting pollen and gathering nectar so they can create honey. 

I have a big raspberry patch and I encounter a lot of honey bees when I'm out taking care of it and the bees have never been aggressive and I've never been stung.  I calmly pick raspberries and yank up an occasional weed or prune a branch without making any extra noise or extreme disturbances and the bees are content to just buzz around me taking care of their own business.

Aggression around bees will not work out in your favor! According to an article I read in the science section of the *New York Times bees can even remember your face! If a bee buzzes by you or gets close enough to give you a quick sniff and you start swatting and waving your hands around you aren’t helping your situation!   A single bee can remember your face and smell and may take issue with your flailing about and release a pheromone to let all his bee friends know that he needs back up against an unfriendly human.

Don't forget bees are vitally important pollinators. Without them, we wouldn’t have lots of fruits, veggies, and flowers. If your garden is looking kind of puny and not thriving it could be due to a lack of bees or bee killer being used on or near your garden.

Honey! Of course, there is all that tasty honey that bees create! According to our friends at Treasure Valley Bee Rescue, honey is much more than just simple sugar. Honey is also rich in minerals and nutrients and has antibiotic properties which may help in the healing process. For more information about the vast array of the benefits of honey follow this link to the National Honey Bee’s website:

If you ever encounter a swarm of bees please don't try to kill 'em or move them yourself!  Instead, contact Treasure Valley Bee Rescue. They will come to YOU and safely remove the bees and it won't cost you anything. I've had them come out to our place a few times and it’s also very fascinating to watch them relocate the bees. 

Call Treasure Valley Bee Rescue: 208-602-4881 or check out their website




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