How Many Fans Will Be At The Super Bowl? We Have The Answer


As we move closer to the Super Bowl, arguably the biggest sporting event in the world, everyone is wondering the same question…..will there be fans in the stadium?

Depending on the city and state, some NFL stadiums have allowed fans to attend, while others have been completely empty. We now know that for the Super Bowl, there will be fans, but it won’t be what you think.

The NFL announced that the set capacity for Raymond-James Stadium in Tampa, Florida (the host of the Super Bowl) will be 22,000 fans. Here’s the cool part—7,500 health care workers will receive free tickets. The other 14,500 will be paid tickets.

The capacity for Raymond-James stadium is 65,890 so it clearly won’t be a packed house, but it’s cool to see the NFL salute Front Line Heroes by giving select ones from each NFL city free tickets.

It’s always been a dream of mine to attend a Super Bowl, and you can only imagine how expensive this years tickets will be with such a limited capacity. Oh, and Tom Brady is in the Super Bowl…..again.


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