Photo: npr.org
Will 2020 end with a bang? Do we have another Snowpocalypse coming here to the Treasure Valley or will Mother Nature step back and say, “These people need a break.”
It’s always interesting diving into The Old Farmer’s Almanac to see what we have coming and I like what I’m seeing this year. When I say I LIKE IT, it’s not necessarily what everyone likes. I like the fact that we have four seasons here in Idaho and I want to experience something that each of those seasons have to offer. So if it’s Winter, I want some snow. Key word is SOME. Snowpocalypse was WAY too much snow.
This week we’re already experiencing some of those cold temps with some rain and snow but that’s just about done. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, we’re going to see some warmer temperatures towards the end of November with some rain here and there.
Early December is going to be sunny and mild. YAY! Well, don’t YAY too long because we’re supposed to get hit by a big snowstorm December 5th through the 14th. Then it starts warming up again bringing some rain and here’s my favorite part of what The Almanac says for us here in Idaho this Winter. We’re going to have a WHITE CHRISTMAS! Nothing crazy but it is supposed to start snowing on Christmas Eve and that’ll continue through the first of the year.
Keep in mind, The Old Farmer’s Almanac is not 100% accurate. WHAT??? Ha. Yeah. Most scientists agree that there’s only about a 50% accuracy BUT that’s with the very long term predictions. We’re talking about the next 60 days so obviously, the closer you get, the more accurate you get.
It’s been a tough year. Thank you Mother Nature for not making it any tougher on us. We get a splash of beautiful Winter… just enough to truly take it all in.