The Space Jam 2 Trailer Is Out!

Courtesy: Warner Brothers

Courtesy: Warner Brothers

Ok I’m going to geek out for a second so bare with me. The original “Space Jam” movie with Michael Jordan is one of the most UNDERRATED movies of all time. It was funny, exciting, Bill Murray was in it, and it has probably the best movie soundtrack of all time.

So you can imagine my excitement/nerves when the “Space Jam 2” trailer came out starting Lebrun James. Take a look yourself:

Here's the deal. The thing I love about this trailer is it seems to paint the picture that the story will be very similar to the original, which I think is good. If its going to be a remake, might as well re-tell the story. Here’s my one problem, it seems….very busy. I almost got a headache just watching the trailer with all the lights, colors, and sounds. And while I get it, the attention span of kids nowadays is even shorter and you need ALL the attention now, it seems a bit busy.

You may say, “Joey aren’t you geeking out a bit much over a kids movie?” And my answer would be, yes of course I am, but what else would you expect from me?


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