More Than 70 Fires In Idaho Due To Lightning

This LONG, HOT, DRY summer is the perfect storm for LOTS of fires. There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to what’s going to start the fire and it’s not going to take much. Once they start… LOOK OUT👀! And that’s exactly what’s happening now.


The Idaho Department of Lands stated that our beautiful state is one big pot of kindling right now. Lack of water, excessive heat, and a long drought are part of what’s put us in bad shape.

Most Fire Departments were very concerned about the 4th of July but we seemed to slide by with very little activity. That’s a good thing. Now, there’s a different concern. High winds and LIGHTNING!

Thunderstorms have just hit starting more than 70 fires just a few hours north of the Treasure Valley. Specifically, the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forests area is under attack and these fires are anything but under control. Most if not all are continually growing, eating up acre after acre.

Fire managers from the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, Idaho Department of Lands, Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association, and the Nez Perce Tribe have currently teamed up to take on these beasts but Mother Nature is always the biggest enemy when it comes to containing and ultimately squashing wildfires.

There are so many fires burning right now officials have to divide and conquer. They’re putting forth most of their efforts and resources in the areas they feel will have the most success and then work from there.

We, of course, are thinking of all of our firefighters, volunteers, and everyone involved in keeping Idaho safe. And doing it all in triple-digit weather is NO fun. Thank you. God bless you. And stay safe!


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