Paint, feces, and signs spouting off nothing but HATE and YES, this is right here in Boise, Idaho. Politics aside… opinions aside… it’s just common decency for us to not go to this place. Why? Who? And what do you get from this?

Photo:  Sharon Culley

Photo: Sharon Culley

The Abraham Lincoln statue known as ‘Seated Lincoln’ at Julia Davis Park was found this morning completely vandalized. All I want to say is this. I have no problem with people that disagree with my opinions. I have no problem with those that argue with me and I have absolutely no problem with those that fight for what they feel is right. We live in America. A country where we’re supposed to be better. Supposed to do better. Bring it. You want to talk? Let’s talk. You want to argue? I’ll respect your argument but the cowards that creep out in the middle of the night and trash property and leave messages of hate, you’re weak. You’re nothing. You have no argument because you’re too afraid to step out and allow people to see the man or the woman behind your thoughts and behind your words.

I love living in this country. I love living in Meridian, Idaho. And I love that we’re not all the same and that we don’t all believe the same. It makes life interesting. I don’t love THIS. It’s sad and I feel sorry for those behind it.

If you know or have any information on who is involved with this, please contact the Boise Police Department immediately.


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Dustin Diamond has passed away at the age of 44.