Kuna Teen Makes Money Selling Dorito in a Jar

Photo Credit: Noah Stewart

Photo Credit: Noah Stewart

You can find almost anything on Facebook Marketplace and this story proves it! !7-year-old Noah Stewart of Kuna realized anything could be sold online when the playstation 5 came out, and people were literally selling the box it comes in for $75.

Noah says the first he thought was “I wonder if I could sell a jar of dirt?!” Then the idea for a Dorito in a jar popped into his mind and he decided to go with it!

The first day the Dorito in a jar was available on Facebook Marketplace it was viewed over 3000 times. The craziest part?! Noah was able to sell four Doritos in a Jar for $20.

He says the secret to his success was his description which read,

“This premium Dorito will offer more than you can imagine. It’s a great centerpiece to your home and it will immediately add accent in the most peculiar way. If you want a tasty treat on the run, this jar will provide protection for the Dorito. I know what I have, no low balls.”

One purchaser says he is going to keep his chip in a jar forever, or at least until it breaks, because it’s a great conversation piece.

As for Noah, he says he will continue to sell the “Dorito in Jar” as long as he can.


Dustin Diamond has passed away at the age of 44.
