Oh That’s Really Fair!


My grandsons are looking to rent a place to live.  There will be 4 of them, my oldest and his significant Other and their baby daughter and my other grandson. And if you’ve been following the rental situation here in the Valley you know it is a TIGHT market.  First of all finding a place that they can afford has been such a chore, seems like property owners see the rise in what people are selling and getting for their homes, they figure let’s raise the rent for these places.  Ok, that’s your call and if that’s what you want to do OK.


What I have a problem with is EVERY application the three of them have to fill out, each of them has to pay, in this case $35.00. Some of the fees are $50. Go to Apartment A, fill out application $105.  Apartment A gets rented out to someone else go to Apartment B, fill out application ANOTHER $105.  Now if they get the apartment do they get that $105 credited towards a down payment?  Since they missed out on Apartment A did they get their $105 back?  Oh no.  I don’t think they should get it all back since yes it does cost money to run a credit and background check.  I did a Google search on how much a credit background check cost and it said $25-$30.


Maybe the applicant should be able to print out the background check and use that background check when applying for another apartment.  I feel for these kids, they are living pretty much paycheck to paycheck already and now to have to fork over $105 each time they apply for a place to live. At least take that $105 and apply it to their deposit.  Maybe there is a solution to this problem already but if there isn’t something really should be done.


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