Every year as we head into Spring and Summer here in Idaho it inevitably brings out all sorts of critters including TICKS! Yes, ticks are a major issue especially if you’re one for taking those hikes up Table Rock, Camels Back, or any of the other beautiful, scenic trails Idaho offers.

For your standard ticks, there’s a couple of things to remember.

  1. Ticks are often found in grassy areas

  2. Use a repellant with at least 20% DEET

  3. If bitten remove the tick promptly and carefully. Use fine-tipped forceps or tweezers to grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible

  4. Wash your hands and the bite site. Use warm water and soap, rubbing alcohol, or an iodine scrub.

So how bad are the ticks here in Idaho? There are all sorts and every one of them is different. Specifically, is the nastiest of the nasty, the Powassan Tick here in Idaho?

The Powassan which is commonly known as the ‘Brain-Swelling Tick’ fortunately, is commonly found in the northeast area of the United States BUT we are NOT immune here in Idaho. They definitely can reside in our beautiful Gem State.

This tick leads to what’s called the Powassan Virus which has NO cure. It’s commonly spread through the same deer tick that causes Lyme disease and once you’ve been infected it hits your nervous system which causes your brain to swell and eventually can lead to death.

Bottom line… if you’re out on the Greenbelt or hiking those beautiful trails here in Idaho, take precautions. Wear long pants, long shirts, use repellant with DEET and PLEASE contact a doctor immediately if you think you’ve been bitten. We have a gorgeous state and taking in the outdoors is one of the privileges we all have here. Be prepared, be cautious, and enjoy IDAHO!


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