Idaho Mother Recently Widowed Receives Miracle From Santa Claus

Imagine losing your husband, your best friend, your whole world. Now imagine having the responsibility of pulling yourself together and leading the charge so that your three young boys can move on, grow up, and become something special. This Idaho mother has had all of this land on her lap just recently and it has NOT been easy.

Photo: East Idaho News

East Idaho News broke this story about Yalon, an Idaho mom, and wife who’s done nothing but think of others her whole life. Specifically, she’s brought people into her home that have hit hard times. She’s given them a place to sleep, to eat, and to live while they pull it all together. And NOW, it’s time for her to find that courage deep down and pull it together for her three sons.

Yalon’s husband Mark lost his battle with stomach cancer on October 15, 2021. Yalon and Mark were not wealthy. One issue they had was with their car but Mark was always really good about fixing it when needed but now, Mark’s not here and Yalon struggles with the drive between Pocatello and Idaho Falls for her job.

A special East Idaho News Secret Santa and his elves decided to make an early drop-off this year. They surprised Yalon with a special little box. When Yalon opened up the box, she found $2,000 worth of gas money, a check to help out with whatever she needs, and a small key. She had no idea what that key was for but you couldn’t stop the tears when seeing that key fit into her brand new red car with all the taxes paid and insurance taken care of for a whole year.

Santa does exist! Merry Christmas!


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