Idaho Is One America’s Least Hated States


Hate is such a STRONG word.

But that’s exactly what some poor intern with their eye on a high-paying research job was apparently commissioned to study.

This ambitious future research scientist delved deep into the most hated states in the country.

And their findings? Quite intriguing.

Especially for those of us in Idaho.

Apparently, we’re pretty darn likeable.

When it comes to hateable states, Idaho ranked 47th out of 50!

The only states easier to like than us?

Apparently Colorado, Utah & Montana.

On the flip side, they found the most unlikeable states to be Illinois, New Jersey and New York.

So what exactly were the criteria?

This enterprising researcher took into account the percent of a states’ residents who say their state is “the worst possible state to live in,” as well as the states with the biggest decrease in population and the number of other states who say they hate a state the most!

They also conducted a comprehensive Instagram poll and then compiled all the votes.

Bottom line – the secret’s out! Idaho’s pretty awesome.

Bye haters!


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