Idaho Gas Prices Skyrocket 17 Cents In A Week

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We’re all feeling it at the pump. Especially if you drive a gas hog like I do, every extra cent is painful. It seems like just the other day we were pumping gas for as cheap as $1.99/gallon, now we’re up to around $3.01/gallon for regular unleaded! Boise has seen a .17 increase in just a week and there’s no word of things slowing down as we head towards warmer weather.

I know I’m not the smartest when it comes to this stuff, but as I’ve watched gas prices climb lately it’s really hit home how much this affects not only how much money we’re pumping into our cars, but the price of everything. For example, I’m looking to build a small deck in my backyard. The price of materials is climbing quickly because it costs more to get the supplies here. We don’t just feel the extra few dollars at the pump, it starts invading our grocery bill, recreational activities, and so on.

I don’t know that there is anything we can do but grin and bear it, but if this climb continues I may start looking into less of a gas guzzler and cutting back where I can because like it or not the price of everything is going, up, up, up!

Here is where gas currently stands around the Gem State according to KTVB.

  • Boise - $3.01

  • Coeur d'Alene - $2.69

  • Franklin - $2.97

  • Idaho Falls - $2.78

  • Lewiston - $2.73

  • Pocatello - $2.88

  • Twin Falls - $2.82


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