A Treasure Valley Hiring Pro Spills The Secrets To Crushing Your Next Interview & Landing Your Dream Job


Tons of Treasure Valley businesses are opening back up & looking to hire ASAP! There are over 10,000 local jobs currently listed on Indeed.com alone!

Kiera Berghof is the president of Boise-based TalentFill & she was kind enough to join Nathan & Rebecca of Fast In The Morning on Wild 101 to give her expert advice for crafting the perfect resume & crushing your next interview!

Hear her spill all her secrets with Fast In The Morning here:

Among the key takeaways from Kiera:

When you’re a recruiter, you want to see a resume that’s very clean and to the point, so that when you’re scanning through the hundreds of resumes you receive, it makes it easy to see who you are & what you have to offer.

Highlight your skills at the top of your resume, followed by previous roles and experience. She suggests no more than two to three previous positions.

During your interview, you want to keep yourself as professional as possible. The further you get into the mix, the more you can share about your personal life. As such, avoid mentioning too much from your personal life that isn’t necessary applicable to the role (divorce, death) in the initial interview.

Practice makes perfect. It’s incredibly important to be prepared, so do your research! Go to Google, read articles & get yourself into a space where you can be prepared to answer whatever is thrown your way.

If you’re asked something you don’t know off the top of your head, don’t fake it until you make it. Instead, say “this is something I don’t know, but as soon as I leave here today, I will do some more research and circle back with you!” That way, you canl show that you’re the type of person willing to put in the work and get the job done!

Thanks again to Kiera for sharing her time & good luck getting that job!


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