A Good Day For Music


“Life Is A Rock'“

Here is another earworm that got stuck in my head but I didn’t really mind it.

This week in 1974, a song hit the top 10 on the pop charts that came from the other side of the music industry. It was written by an American former music industry executive, Norman Dolf. He was known for producing records rather than writing and recording them. His big success was producing the early rock band The Velvet Underground. His name is also credited for producing a group of hand picked studio musicians along with lead singer Joey Levine who’s very popular song, ‘Yummy, Yummy, Yummy’ became an instant bubble-gum hit.

As the story is told, the song’s lyrics employed some of the more popular groups that had hits in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, as well as musicians, songwriters, record labels, song titles and Disc Jockeys. Some of the lines were taken directly from music industry trade magazines. If you go online and search the music history of this song, you can get a list of all the references this song makes.


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