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I am one of the volunteer Directors for Operation Grateful Hearts and year round 101.9 The BULL supports fundraising and other activities for this Idaho based 100 percent volunteer organization that helps Idaho’s Military Families and Veterans in their time of need. Operation Grateful Hearts is not part of any national organization and doesn’t receive funding other than what is donated or generated from fundraisers such as Idaho Gives. Here is the LINK to the Operation Grateful Hearts page at Idaho Gives.

In addition to providing Christmas gifts to Veterans and Military Families, Operation Grateful Hearts (OGH) is busy year round providing essential help and assistance when needed.

From OGH’s founder WendyJo Ackley here are just a few of the ways this local hard working group has helped out here in the Treasure Valley since January:

Troy… early 30’s Marine found himself homeless when he lost his job from back issues that were service related… walked into one of the Veteran crisis centers in Jan. only had A PAIR OF SLIPPERS, NO COAT, GLOVES or FOOD… was trying to sleep in 2-seat car with his 85 lbs pit mix pup… couldn’t use a shelter because they don’t except dogs.

Was cold and hungry but only went in to ask to warm up for a bit.  OGH immediately got him resources for a hot meal while we rounded up warm clothes, boots, coat, etc.  Found him a place to stay for a couple nights and reached out to our Marine Mom network.  They hooked him up with essentials he could keep in his vehicle and be able to warm up food, drinks etc.  He was given food and fuel cards to assist in the short term.

Once he had a temporary warm place to stay, he was able to come up with a plan to get a temporary job to hold him over while he continued looking for a new regular job, permanent housing and move forward.

OGH followed up with him for about a month, helping him stay on his feet.  He commented, “It’s not just food and gas… you showed me that my military family hadn’t turned their back on me, like I thought… people still cared even when I was alone.”

Our response…. Troy… we didn’t know you were out there and needed support, but you’re on our radar now and he is getting plenty of support.  Those Marine Mom’s are keeping tabs on him whether he likes it or not.  Lol

Troy just needed a hand up and some help getting into the VA system for benefits… he’s doing very well and is feeling good about where he is now.

Amber… National Guard member, in a divorce situation with no job… is not only raising her 3 kids but has her niece living with her as a guardianship.

We assisted her during Christmas and then looked deeper from the conversations we had had with her… in Feb. we found out the kids were sleeping on the floor, couch or with her because they didn’t have sanitary mattresses and bedding.  We got 4 new mattresses for the kids then we found a donated frig... because hers was leaking on not staying cold when we delivered the bedding.

Although some would say it wasn’t an essential, I disagree… so I personally bought the niece graduation announcements, her tassel, cap and gown… so she could celebrate her success during these trying times… and share her accomplishment with her family and friends that were not local. (She was going to skip graduation because she couldn’t afford these items… NO 18-year-old should be denied that after all their hard work and going through the incredibly stressful situations she had been in)  

Amber has since gotten a job, continues at Gowen with full support out there.  Things are getting settled for the family and her niece got her announcements last week and cried again when she realized it was really happening.  She is working on scholarships to continue her education.

Isabel… Veteran mom with young son… leaving a domestic violence situation and was living in her van.  Van died (not repairable) and they started temporarily sleeping on the floor in someone’s living room.  She has access to a dodge truck, but it’s not running either.  Originally called to assist with towing the van away from repair shop.

Since then, we have gotten the truck towed to repair shop where they are getting it running enough to get it to our partner mechanics.  The truck needs several bigger cost items done to it to be deemed in good working condition.  OGH has networked with a sponsorship mechanic Ryan Baxter out of Fruitland and his group of business owners are going to take the truck and each fix parts of the list.  Ryan also has parts being donated by a local auto parts shop.

Isabel should have a running vehicle in the next week or so… then she will be able to further follow up in the housing resources we connected her with.  


Wednesday at 11 am… end of Jan 2022.  OGH got a message about a retired Marine Colonel that was passing away soon, within days, at a Fruitland assisted living facility.

For much of his post-USMC life, he lived in a 26 ft. camper in the friend's backyard.  He was recently moved to Edgewood Fruitland Assisted Memory Care facility in advanced stages of head-to-toe cancer from Agent Orange.

I was told by his caregivers his biggest fear was dying alone, nobody caring and no one at the spreading of his ashes… just an old Marine forgotten!

OGH put out a call to action from the Marine organizations in their network… within an hour, OGH got a call from a Marine Mom that asked the staff to let him know "the Marines are coming" and we will mount a presence.  Message relayed and as the nurse told him this, he raised his eyebrows and whispered “oorah.”

Susan, (our head Marine mom) sent out the call to all the Marine organizations in the valley… she was rounding up troops to be there over the next few days.  

The head of the facility put a sign in his room window so he could be easily found, as due to COVID visitors could not go in to be with him.

By 2pm, Susan was there with the Marine flag flying and her massive German Shepard standing guard over them both standing vigil, honoring Michael outside his room.  As he awoke the staff raised his blinds so he could look out the window to see her there and continued to tell him he wasn’t alone, as they waved at her through the window.

Susan also hung a sign on the outside of Michael’s window for him to see… it read, "Semper Fi, Michael.  There are a lot of Dress Blues waiting for you in heaven." She made it a couple hours out in the cold with staff bringing her hot coffee to keep her warm and other residents coming to visit her.

As she came home, she was making plans for more Marines to visit… however, Michael passed peacefully quickly after that… and Susan put out the word he was gone already.

The story doesn’t end there… when the funeral home came to take Michael away, there was a Marine in full Dress Blues at full attention, standing at the door saluting him as he left his final home.  We still don’t know what Marine did that but it brought tears of joy to the caregivers and me to hear that tribute to a long-time protector of our country.

In this case, these acts of honor and tribute did not cost much more than gas to travel there… but I am overwhelmed to know OGH has built a network in our community that can have this kind of impact on the lives of those who most need it and absolutely deserve it most.

Rest in Peace, Michael… once a Marine, always in the Marine family…you are loved!


Since the first of the year through end of March 2022, OGH has assisted 14 Veterans and families get households set up and finished following up on our Christmas families that had bigger needs that required more time to complete.

Currently working on getting some items for families as needed:

  • a regular washer/dryer set 

  • A washer/dryer for a 5th wheel RV, family lives in… Veteran’s wife is in hospice, don’t need brand new… just something to hold them over for a while.

  • Small coffee table

  • Narrow end table

On-going requests needed:

  • Fuel cards to Maverick to help with gas prices while searching for jobs and housing

  • WinCo Family Cards (the white ones) to assist with food

  • Walmart cards for OGH to buy bedding, linens and personal hygiene items for families in transition


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