For years I’ve driven past that HUGE castle on Warm Springs Avenue in Boise. The look of this thing is so intriguing. This castle has become iconic here in the Treasure Valley. There are always rumors of it being in the movies, on reality shows, in magazines, and all over online but what is this thing? Do you know anything about it? Well, we’re going to fill you in.

Almost this entire castle was built from materials right here in Idaho. Hey, Hey… keepin’ it local right?! The home itself is built with sandstone that was brought in from the Table Rock area and something really cool about all those sculptures out front is that they have names. They’re like cool little pets that protect the castle.

The dragon’s name is Zuul, that suit of armor in the front is George, and the wooden dragon is Pete. Oh, oh, oh, and the anglerfish is named Fred.

The landscape is always in tip-top shape. Gorgeous doesn’t even to begin what this lush piece of property looks like. This house usually goes up for sale every couple of years but it’s NOT cheap. A couple of years ago it was on the market for somewhere around $2.6 million but I’m thinking it may be worth a bit more than that right now. Market’s been pretty good here in the Treasure Valley.

You’d think I was the real estate agent on this listening to me talk about it. Ha! I really just think it’s cool. I love that we have hidden little gems like this all over the place in Boise. At least now when you drive by you can wave and say hi to all the cute, cool little stone protectors out front. Your kids will probably have fun calling them by name.

Photo:  Zillow

Photo: Zillow


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