Treasure Valley Woman Suffers Stroke on Family Vacation

Credit: KTVB and Norman Family

Credit: KTVB and Norman Family

Erin Norman is just 42-years-old. She suffered a very sudden and unexpected stroke while biking on vacation with her family in Bend, Oregon this past June. She’s been in the hospital in Oregon ever since. Her husband, Jake Norman, who has been with the Boise Police Department has taken vacation time and slept in the hospital parking lot night after night while Erin recovers. The couple’s two boys came back home to Idaho and were just able to pay their Mom a visit after being away from her for nearly a month.

Jake Norman explained what happened during Erin’s stroke to KTVB. He said,

"As the doctors explained it to me, she had a spontaneous dissection of her carotid artery, which the doctor believes led to cutting off the supply of blood to her brain, which then caused her to begin to lose consciousness. That just so happened to be at the top of a hill that was pretty steep. I think she lost consciousness on top of the hill. She was able to coast down it on her bike, and she collided with a tree."

Although family and friends have rallied around the Norman family during this difficult time, medical bills are mounting and life for Erin may look very different in the future. The goal is to get her back to Boise as soon as possible, so that she can continue her recovery at home.

You can do your part if you have the means, by donating to the family’s Go Fund Me account.


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