These are the TOP qualities we look for in a partner…

Photo by @mumugraph01 / Unsplash

Photo by @mumugraph01 / Unsplash

It is LOVE week! (Or it’s always LOVE week depending who you ask.) Valentine’s Day Weekend is upon us.. and I found this article today on Yahoo that ranked the top things we look for in a partner.

1.  Good cook.

2.  Trustworthy.

3.  Makes you laugh.

4.  Intelligent.

5.  You respect them.

6.  Honest.

7.  Kind.

8.  Similar lifestyle to you.

9.  Similar taste in TV shows, movies, music and books.

10.  Similar hobbies as you.

Photo by @timberfoster / Unsplash

Photo by @timberfoster / Unsplash

Is this accurate? Is there anything you would add to the list?

Read more about what traits we look for in a partner here. (Yahoo.)


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