The ‘REAL’ Boise Boys

It goes tooooooo fast! Ughhh. It just does, right? For all of us. And here’s proof. 11 boys, all from Adams Elementary School here in Boise and they’re all grown up now.

Found this little gem on Maggie O’Mara’s Facebook Page. Maggie has the best stuff. One of the mom’s sent this picture out with this to say…

“Some friends and I got our graduating senior sons together and recreated one of their summer birthday parties from elementary school.

They are all Adams Elementary kids, now graduating from four different Boise high schools!

Thought you might get a smile from this little slice of Boise life.”

Photo:  Heather Colby

Photo: Heather Colby

Photo:  Heather Colby

Photo: Heather Colby

If you’re a parent, you know how fast all this time goes. Heck, even if you’re not. Someone once told me that the last half of life is like coming down the backside of a roller coaster. It moves, moves, and moves, and then it’s over. Take it all in. Enjoy that ride. I don’t care if you’re slowly climbing on that roller coaster or you’re on that back half. It’s all amazing and too many of us don’t appreciate what’s right in front of us until it’s gone.

I hope that the happiness we see in these pictures remains with these young men. Get out there. Get crazy. Get it done. And live and love life. Be a GOOD PERSON! There’s nothing more important than that. Do us proud!


Seeing The Real You In The Mirror


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