Brain Over Belly | Fasting
Self Help Rick Dunn Self Help Rick Dunn

Brain Over Belly | Fasting

“Three meals a day is healthy!”

“Breakfast, the most important meal of the day!”

We’ve all heard ‘em, and most of us were probably taught them. In fact, some professional trainers and dieticians recommend four to six smaller meals a day, often to “increase metabolism”.

And it’s just not true, according to Dr. David Brown of Idaho BMI.

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Sleep More Important Than Exercise
Self Help Rick Dunn Self Help Rick Dunn

Sleep More Important Than Exercise

Most of us are quick to associate weight loss with exercise, and for good reason. It’s a healthy choice we make when we’re awake, just like eating right, stretching, or even meditating.

But what if not being awake was more responsible for weight loss, than any workout?

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Face The Facts About Modern Food Engineering
Self Help Rick Dunn Self Help Rick Dunn

Face The Facts About Modern Food Engineering

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t get enough of certain foods? Why you can eat a whole bag of chips or an entire package of cookies and barely remember doing it? Why the sound, smell, or image of a food from your childhood still makes your mouth water as an adult? Why you consider some foods “comfort” and not others? It’s called modern food engineering.

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BRAIN OVER BELLY | What To Eat - When To Eat - How To Eat
Self Help Rick Dunn Self Help Rick Dunn

BRAIN OVER BELLY | What To Eat - When To Eat - How To Eat

In the third episode of Brain Over Belly, host Rick Dunn and Dr. David Brown of Idaho BMI talk about FOOD. What to eat, when to eat, and how to eat if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life. There are lots of “Aha!” moments for your brain to take in - from beginning to end - that will challenge what you think you know about food and dieting.

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