Shark Tank Shows Boise The Love


Ask anyone in my family & they’ll tell you my FAVORITE SHOW is Shark Tank.

I don’t know what it is – maybe it’s these budding entrepreneurs getting a little assist in making their dreams come true, but I always seem to get choked up when I watch it. EVERY. TIME.

Forget chick flicks – you wanna get misty-eyed? Shark Tank is where it’s at – which is why I was so excited to learn someone from right here in the Treasure Valley is going to be appearing on the program on Friday, May 14th!

Jamie Montz, a University of Idaho graduate & founder of The Original Stretchlace, will make her big pitch to the all-star cast of sharks & we are pulling for her!

Go Jamie! We will be watching & can’t wait to see you rep the 208!


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