The most popular baby name of 2020 is….


It’s that time of the year again! It’s time for the most popular baby names of the year, and 2020 should be a doozy, right?! I was expecting to see names like Rona, Covid, Quarantine, or heck, even Carole Baskin! Fortunately (or unfortunately), the names are a lot more normal than that. According to Babycenter, Sophia is the most popular girls name for the 11th year in a row! As for the boys, Liam took the top spot for back to back years.

Noah and Jackson rounded out the top three for the boys, while Olivia and Riley took second and third for the girls.

My only advice is this— if you like a name that’s super popular? Who cares, name your child that anyway. If a name you like seems super unique and different? Do it anyway! Whichever name you love for your child, is the name it should be! My full name is Joey, not Joseph, and I LOVE it! It’s a little unique, fun, and fits me PERFECTLY. So name on, parents!


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