Sandstorm To Blame For 20 Car Pileup Leading To Seven Deaths

A lot of families need our prayers right now after a freak sandstorm hit the freeway causing a 20 car pileup which unfortunately led to seven people losing their lives.

The crash was in our neighboring state of Utah on I-15 near the town of Kanosh yesterday afternoon. Ambulances, helicopters, and every other form of Emergency vehicles and personnel were immediately dispatched to a scene that was described by some as a war zone.

This sandstorm was a different but similar version of a white out. High winds blew sands into the air dropping visibility and making it next to impossible to see anywhere. When you’re driving 70 or 80 mph and all of the sudden hit that, it’s a scary situation.

The seven people that lost their lives came from two different vehicles and sadly it has been reported that several children are among the dead. Here’s a statement from Highway Patrol Sgt. Cameron Rhoden…

“We have vehicles all over. Several vehicles tried to swerve off the roadway. We have vehicles that are flipped up on their sides. One of the vehicles that was pulling a trailer, the trailer has pretty much completely been destroyed and is on the freeway.”

I-15 is currently open but debris is still being cleared and the entire accident is under investigation. We can only pray for those that survived and for those families that lost their loved ones.


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