The Smartest Horse Ever

There are quite a few horses suffering colic, I figured something from the smartest horse in the world would help.

Horses naturally run a temp. between 99 and 102. Because they run higher temperatures than humans, they also have a harder time cooling down. Horses sweat like humans to cool their bodies, so when people work their horses, they need to take time to cool them down. Water and shade are essential, without them you have a good chance of your horse colic.

This is Buddy. He was the smartest horse I was ever around. He pretty well had seen it done it. He passed last summer at 38, which is ancient for a horse. This video was taken about a month before he went over the Rainbow Bridge.

About 5 years ago I had a sprinkler that broke and created a fountain. Buddy found it and loved it. If it was on he would head straight toward it, if it was off he would stand over it until I turned it on. He would go to and from it when he wanted to be cooled down.

I loved watching him and that sprinkler. We called it “Buddy’s Bidet.” To everyone who has horses, take the time to cool them down and make sure they have a fresh cool drink of water, they like being left in the sun with warm water about as much as you kike sitting in the driveway, under the sun with a warm beer.

Watch, enjoy and learn.

Kevin Mee


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