K-9’s Deployed In Search For Fruitland’s 5-Year-Old Michael Vaughn

Authorities have used just about every resource they have trying to find 5-year-old Michael Vaughn who went missing from just outside his home in Fruitland, Idaho more than three weeks ago and now their doing something different with their K-9’s that will hopefully help.

Photo:  Missing Poster of Michael Vaughn Fruitland

Photo: Missing Poster of Michael Vaughn Fruitland

The Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue Unit better known as the IMSRU are taking K-9 dogs across the Snake River into the Oregon territory. K-9’s smell 10,000 times better than humans and these dogs are specifically trained to find people so we’re hoping Michael’s family can soon have some answers.

Scotty Perkins is the public relations director at IMSRU and had this to say…

“Our Ki-9’s have those special gifts at being able to detect sense in a particular direction as well as beyond what a human searcher would be able to detect, and that becomes really important when we are trying to focus our search efforts in a very specific and narrow area when time may be a sensitive issue.”

Again, our thoughts and prayers are with Michael and his family right now. I’m proud of our law enforcement, neighbors and communities, and everyone that refuses to give up this search. We have to keep looking.




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