It’s Spring In The Treasure Va-ACHOO! …excuse me. Treasure Valley.

Me RN.

Me RN.

Springtime is beautiful!

After a long, cold season filled with the world looking mostly grey, white and brown… bold, bright color is coming back! Which brings so much joy. The weather is warming up, we bust out our tank tops & shorts, we make the decision that we should probably start shaving our legs again… and the world not only looks brighter, but it feels brighter. Eggs are hatching, baby animals are born… the trees and flowers are blooming...

New life surrounds us!

But if you’re anything like me: Spring isn’t all rainbows and sunshine.

It’s also itchy, sneezy, gooey and miserable.

Sound familiar?

If so - you probably have SPRING ALLERGIES!

As the weather warms up and plants blood, pollen counts get high.  Then, when the wind picks up… you’re doomed.

In the Boise area the biggest pollen culprits during the spring are: Poplar, Juniper & Elm

Symptoms of Spring Allergies include:

  • Itchy and watery eyes

  • Sneezy

  • Itchy skin - sometimes with rash

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Cough

  • Headaches

  • Sore or scratchy throat

  • Under eye circles

  • Fatigue and drowsiness

...sounds fun, right?

Thankfully, there are options to help ease symptoms.

1) Medication: whether an antihistamine or a decongestant - starting these medications can really help when symptoms are too much to handle, or can help keep symptoms from even starting on days you know you might be struggling.

2) Know your allergies: Whether through testing at a doctors office or just tracking your symptoms with what is highest on a pollen count - your body will thank you for being familiar with your allergy triggers! Pollen, grass, mold & animals could be some affecting you at this time!

3) Knowing the pollen counts and allergy forecast: Checking on your local news station or websites like to get an idea of what the forecast is for allergens like pollen, grass and molds is very helpful to prepare for your day!

4) Keep the air in your home clean: air purifiers are a great way to keep you in-home air nice and clear… but even just by keeping your windows and doors closed - you will see a big difference in your allergy symptoms!

5) Stay inside: If all else fails, try and stay in doors on days that you know allergies will be bad. Like a windy day or during a time where pollen counts are high (typically morning and night are the worst). If you have to be outdoors - change your clothing as soon as you get home, wash your face, gargle with salt water & consider using a neti-pot to flush your sinuses!

Boise is known as the “City of Trees” - and it is BEAUTIFUL!
But with the beauty… also comes the allergies!

GOOD LUCK & Happy Spring!


My Easter Miracle


No Joke! You could win $500!