I’m Sporty & I Know It


Here’s the truth of the matter: I enjoy watching sports. I really do.

……..what!? I DO!!!!

...I feel like you don’t believe me.

I was raised with a vast, wide-spread appreciation of all types of sports thanks to my dad, who watches and appreciates everything from football to hockey to golf. The man is a sports-lover and knows all sports well.

So I, being raised by such a man, I DO appreciate sports.

However, my husband disagrees.

Any time I show even the slightest interest in a game, of ANY type...he looks at me with eyes that can only be described as...suspicious.

I think he thinks I’m a poser.

But I’m NOT a poser! Although I may not be a die-hard, all-in, committed-to-every-single-game type of a fan....I have “teams!” I care about what happens! I enjoy the VIBE. My vibe can be “sporty!” I’m sporty!

You see, I get where his frustration comes in... I have friends who truly are all in on their teams. They are the truest form of a fan and they have all of my respect. Watching every game, having the swag, knowing the stats....the #TrueFans. I am not that.

But then, I have friends who don’t care about sports at all! Many still have an appreciation of football simply because it’s something to keep the husband busy. And there are some that hate football because it keeps their husband “busy” - which is also valid! I appreciate that! But I am also not that!

SO WHERE ARE MY GIRLS AT WHO ARE NEITHER...OR BOTH! OR ONE OR THE OTHER DEPENDING ON THE SPORT!? We don’t get enough recognition. But we...are real. I…am THAT!

Truth be told… I prefer to be at live games. I never knew what a huge basketball fan I was until I was at a live game after almost twenty years having not been at one. You would’ve thought I was the biggest fan on earth the way I was screaming. The passion, the excitement, the anxiety! So many emotions! But did I act that way a week later when I watched the same team on TV? NOPE! Barely watched.

It just DEPENDS, okay!? I’m still a fan and I would like to be treated as one!

I am not a poser.

Anyways, thanks for listening to me rant about this. Thanks for letting me state my case.

I’m pretty sure Nathan will still think I’m a poser.

But now, you....you know. You get it.

You get me.


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