FREE - NO Nasal Swab Test

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If you are an Idaho resident you can get a FREE at home test kit to find out whether or not you have the Coronavirus!

No need to worry about working up the courage to stick a long cotton swab up one of your nostrils either because all of these tests are based on you collecting a sample of your own saliva - which means you just basically spit in a test tube.  Easy! 

The tests cost $139.99 each but if you are an Idaho resident the test is totally FREE thanks to a grant from the  Idaho State Board of Pharmacy.

Pharmacies at Albertsons and Safeway are offering the free at-home test kits for anyone who wants one.

To request a test you first need to go to this website and answer a few questions:

Don’t panic when you see that the tests cost 139.99 - once you enter your Idaho zip code that cost will be zeroed out.

After you request your test online you will then have the option of picking it up at an Albertson or Safeway store's pharmacy or you can even have it shipped to your home - at NO additional cost.   The tests even come with a prepaid shipping label so you don't evenhave to pay anything to send your saliva sample off to the lab to get tested.

The tests have a 98% accuracy rate and your results will be either texted or emailed to you in approximately 72 hours after the lab has tested your saliva sample. 


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